Stalled again. This time on the Panther, but not for long. I've been having some issues with paint. Keeping them fluid in 105 degree temperatures seems to be a small problem. They want to set up, and "coagulate" even with thinning.
That will get worked out though. In the meantime, out comes an older build for a little attention. The Italeri/ Revell Katyusha in 1/35th. Built this a little while back and just didn't know where to go with it to be honest. Now I think I do, but we'll have to see if it works, or just gets messed up.
I'd been thinking about the rockets on this thing, and how they'd be fired. A friend of mine showed me some facts (thanks again Simon) that these didn't have wires leading to the rockets as I had figured they must. It's an electrical charge running through the rails. He also told me to go easy on the stowage that might be stashed around on these due to the large fireball created when launched. Sound advice indeed! And something I hadn't considered honestly.
So, here's a few up to date pics on where this stands at the moment. More work coming with it.